Turkish companies increased their goal with Akkuyu NGS.


Jan 04, 2022

Turkish companies increased their goal with Akkuyu NGS.

With the effect of global developments, energy supply security is at the top of the world's agenda. As many countries review their current policies due to the energy crisis, everything from energy technologies to trade routes is being reshaped. In addition to the energy crisis, another important crisis facing the world is climate change, which is making its impact felt more and more.

The fact that 80 percent of the emissions that cause the climate crisis comes from the energy sector forces countries to increase their investments in clean energy. According to the 'World Energy Investments 2022' report published by the International Energy Agency (IEA), global energy investment is expected to increase by 8 percent in 2022 to reach 2.4 trillion dollars, and the increase is expected to be predominantly in clean energy investments. While new investments are accelerating in nuclear, which is a low-carbon energy source, there are also discussions of "return" in countries that have decided to exit nuclear.

"Our nuclear industry is developing, opportunities are at hand"

Alikaan Çiftçi, Chairman of the Board of the Nuclear Industry Association (NIATR), pointed out that global reports reveal that global investments in nuclear energy will exceed an average of 100 billion dollars annually by the middle of the century. Noting that Turkish companies can use the experiences they have gained in the nuclear industry with the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant (NGS) project in global nuclear power plant projects, Çiftçi said: “Today, the construction of 53 reactors in 17 countries, including Turkey, continues. It is pleasing that the Turkish nuclear industry has started to develop with the development of the Akkuyu project. The production culture and philosophy in the field of nuclear energy also started to spread to our domestic companies. These are developments that give hope for the future. We believe that the experience gained in the nuclear industry will bring new opportunities in international large projects.”

Akkuyu experience will create new opportunities

There are many Turkish companies aiming to carry the experience they gained in Akkuyu, Turkey's first nuclear power plant, abroad. There are currently close to 400 Turkish companies in the supplier chain of the Akkuyu NPP project, which is the largest investment project in the history of Turkey-Russia relations and was built by Rosatom. The common point emphasized by the current and potential suppliers of Akkuyu, which has a localization potential of approximately 6.5 billion dollars, is that Akkuyu NPP creates significant know-how in the nuclear energy sector. It is pointed out that if the right steps are taken, it is possible to reach the exporter point in the nuclear field.

According to experts, the nuclear power plant experience, which plays an important role in South Korea's rapid economic development, is an exemplary process for Turkey. The nuclear power plant adventures of both countries begin on the same dates. Both countries join the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in 1957 as founding members. South Korea commissioned its first nuclear power plant in 1978. In Turkey, on the other hand, there are countless unsuccessful attempts during these periods. South Korea, which obtains 28 percent of its electricity from nuclear power today, has 25 reactors in operation and 3 reactors under construction and exports nuclear technology. South Korea increased its per capita GDP to 35 thousand 200 US dollars with 2021 year-end figures. According to experts, Turkey, whose per capita GDP is 9 thousand 539 USD with 2021 year-end figures, can use its nuclear power plant experience, which started with Akkuyu NPP, to open up to foreign markets. Although it is late in this regard, it is noted that a promising process has begun for the future.

“We also produce to learn”

Ömer Solmaz, the company official who has been serving in the forging and metal sectors in Turkey and Russia for 20 years, said, “I find Turkey's transition to nuclear power very right. I think we are too late. In the Akkuyu NPP project, care is taken to have local suppliers. Technical services develop us and raise our standards. As Turkish companies, we have not produced anything to be used in a nuclear power plant before. At the moment, we need to learn the technical specification while producing. In this sense, local products are very valuable. We produce not only to make a profit, but also to learn.”

Expressing that they work in the port part of the constructions whose infrastructure has been completed at Akkuyu NPP, company representative Bahadır Şenol said, "We are a company that manufactures load lifting and tensioning products. We specialize in the supply and supply of products needed for lifting and tensioning for large-scale constructions such as airports, roads, bridges, dams, stadiums, which we call industrial construction. We work with sub-contractors of Akkuyu NPP. We would love to increase our acquaintance with subcontractors and work directly with Russian State Atomic Energy Agency Rosatom.”

“Akkuyu NGS is like a small city”

Noting that there is a great business potential in the nuclear energy sector, company representative Tarık Ümit Pehlivan said, “I find it important to cooperate with domestic suppliers at Akkuyu NPP. Akkuyu Nuclear both contributes to employment and creates 'know-how' in the nuclear energy sector. A mutual added value is created. You see a technology in front of you, you learn. You can make it producible and produce it in Turkey and present it to your own market. When we learn the technology in the nuclear sector and become a company with this capability, we can be able to sell the technology to other markets.” Stating that the number of nuclear power plants will increase even more, Pehlivan said, “We are a little late on nuclear energy. I think it will be beneficial for Turkey, and nuclear energy is the most efficient for cities in terms of electrical energy. Everyone needs a cheap, environmentally friendly, low-cost and clean energy like nuclear,” he said.

Describing Akkuyu NPP, which is Mersin's largest employer with the employment it provides to 20 thousand people, as a small city, Pehlivan continued as follows: "We produce machinery for the textile, white goods, automotive, automotive sub-industry and food sectors. Our company's nuclear power plant project "We aim to support Akkuyu NPP in the remaining works such as stepping into the nuclear sector, electricity, automation, machinery, special transportation equipment. We can manufacture such equipment in Turkey and include it in the system as support parts."

“One of the biggest mega projects Akkuyu NPP”

Alexey Smeshlivyy, the company representative who produces hardware and software for the Akkuyu NPP Project and operates in the international arena, said, "It is one of the largest mega projects our company has contributed to so far," and said: "Akkuyu NPP is one of the largest construction projects currently carried out worldwide and our company Taking part in the project gives our customers great experience in serving projects of this scale. We believe that by having business relations with many contractors and construction companies within Akkuyu, we will be involved in many projects both at home and abroad with these companies in the future and our business relations will continue. It is an incredible experience to work on such a disciplined project for suppliers.”