Our Values

Our Purpose of Existance

The responsibility which we concern for our customers, stakeholders, employees, society, and our planet, takes its firm power from our basic values determined by our purpose of existence. And so, we set our course with such values in any field, starting from our customer approach to our business model, from our team members to our products and from our services to our relations with our business partners.

Our Basic Values

We give life to our target of “shaping the future” adding meaning to our existence with five basic values. We reveal our identity, potential and future vision on the guidance of such basic values.


Innovative Thinking

We act with the awareness that the value criteria of change, an irresistible reality of life is “innovation”. In this context, from our manufacturing process to our customers, from the relationship we have established with our customers to the opportunities we offer to our employees; from our approach to people, to the society, the environment and to our planet, we support innovative thinking in any area and create space to all our stakeholders for the realisation of innovative ideas.


As Bayramoğlu Endüstri Holding, we consider the 60 years we left behind as an indicator of trust shown by our customers and at the same time as our responsibility towards them. We establish open and transparent relationships with all our stakeholders around the same responsibility; rebuild our “reliability” any moment with our approach to focussing on solutions, delivering commitments, and determining the standards of the industry with top-quality products.


We know that success can be achieved with a strong and confident team, who feels valued. Therefore, we create opportunities for the development and success of our workmates and endeavour to make this perspective pervade in any field of our corporate culture. We conduct an endless journey in the belief that the success of reaching the targets can only be a step towards the next one.


Our understanding of responsibility is based on our fact of embracing the decisions we have sealed with our signature and the results of the processes. This is why we constantly develop our corporate culture which encourages taking initiatives. We believe that fulfilling our responsibilities towards our stakeholders can only be achieved by best analysing their expectations.


The basis of our principle of justice consists of our corporate culture created by individuals, who are equal in every aspect and who reject discrimination of any type. To ensure justice, we develop a style of relationship which is based on company internal and external transparency, openness, honesty, and equity in any field.

Our Mission

In line with customer satisfaction, employee well-being and principles of social benefit and without making concessions on universal values and environmental considerations, generating most qualitative solutions for metal production and assembly needs of any industry.

Our Vision

As a pioneering company, who works out efficient and sustainable solutions based on innovative technologies for customers, becoming a globally leading brand, contributing with economic, social, and environmental values to the world of tomorrow.