Our Management Policy

As Bayramoğlu Endüstri Holding, we shape our management policy based on the target to develop applicable methods, which will enable us to put our mission, vision, and our values into practice. In this context;

  • We care about humanity and about its progress,
  • We target to complete the right job at expected time by creating a sound company-internal communication environment,
  • We perceive the expectations of our customers correctly and fulfil these expectations and ensure continuity in product and service quality,
  • During our activities, we base on the safety of life and property of our customers, suppliers, and all other stakeholders as well as our colleagues. In this context, we ensure the effectiveness and continuity of our "Occupational Health and Safety" (OHS) system,
  • We keep all our wastes that may have negative effects on the environment and nature under control, and for this purpose, we continuously raise the awareness of our employees and strengthen our responsibility towards the environment and the society,
  • We adapt technological developments in our field of activity to our processes and continuously improve the effectiveness of our management system,
  • We analyse all our activities under the light of objective data and technology and identify and disseminate successful practices.